• 配件
  • PQ1 底座腳釘組合


PQ1 底座腳釘組合

  • Sale
  • Regular price HK$500 / set

Q11 Meta 及 Q7 Meta 適用的腳釘組合

PQ1 揚聲器腳釘經過精密設計,擁有卓越的韌性與穩定性,為 Q 系列座地揚聲器提供最適合的配置,帶來極致音響體驗。這些腳釘能進一步隔離外部振動,降低對揚聲器的影響並減少共振。可調式設計還能輕鬆調整高度,在您的聆聽空間中找到理想定位。



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Q Concerto Meta Wired Speaker FAQs

What sets the KEF Q Concerto Meta wired speaker apart from other wired speakers?

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The Q Concerto Meta is the first 3-way bookshelf speaker in the Q Series.

Its use of Metamaterial Absorption Technology (MAT™), which significantly reduces distortion for cleaner sound,sets our Q Series speakers apart from other wired speakers on the market.

What is a 3-way speaker?

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A 3-way speaker system employs dedicated drivers to handle high frequencies, mid-range tones, and bass/low frequencies. By dividing the audio spectrum into these three distinct bands, each driver can be optimised for its specific role. This allows 3-way speakers to deliver a more refined, balanced, and immersive sound quality.

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